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Top 50 Tricky Selenium Interview Questions

1. What are the annotations used in TestNG?
@Test, @BeforeSuite, @AfterSuite, @BeforeTest, @AfterTest, @BeforeClass, @AfterClass, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod
2. How do you read data from excel?
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (“path of excel file”);
Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create (fis);
Sheet s = wb.getSheet (“sheetName”)
String value = s.getRow (rowNum).getCell (cellNum).getStringCellValue ();
3. What is the use of xpath?
It is used to find the WebElement in web page. It is very useful to identify the dynamic web elements.
4. What are different types of locators?
There are 8 types of locators and all are the static methods of the By class.
  • ()
  • ()
  • By.tagName ()
  • By.className ()
  • By.linkText ()
  • By.partialLinkText ()
  • By.xpath
  • By.cssSelector ()
5. What is the difference between Assert and Verify?
Assert it is used to verify the result. If the test case fails then it will stop the execution of the test case there itself and move the control to other test case.
Verify it is also used to verify the result. If the test case fails then it will not stop the execution of that test case.
6. What is the alternate way to click on login button?
Use submit () method but it can be used only when attribute type=submit.
7. How do you verify if the checkbox/radio is checked or not?
We can use isSelected () method.
Syntax – driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of the checkbox/radio button”)).isSelected ();
If the return value of this method is true then it is checked else it is not.
8. How do you handle alert popup?
To handle alert popup, we need to 1st switch control to alert popup then click on ok or cancel then move control back to main page.
String mainPage = driver.getWindowHandle ();
Alert alt = driver.switchTo ().alert (); // to move control to alert popup
alt.accept (); // to click on ok.
alt.dismiss (); // to click on cancel.
//Then move the control back to main web page
driver.switchTo ().window (mainPage); → to switch back to main page.
9. How do you launch IE/chrome browser?
Before launching IE or Chrome browser we need to set the System property.
//To open IE browser
System.setProperty (“”,”path of the iedriver.exe file”);
Web Driver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver ();
//To open Chrome browser → System.setProperty (“”,”path of the chromeDriver.exe file”);
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver ();
10. How to perform right click using WebDriver?
Use Actions class
Actions act = new Actions (driver); // where driver is WebDriver type
act.contextClick ().perform ();
11. How do perform drag and drop using WebDriver?
Use Action class
Actions act = new Actions (driver);
WebElement source = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“”)); //source ele which you want to drag
WebElement target = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“”)); //target where you want to drop
act.dragAndDrop(source, target).perform();
12. Give the example for method overload in WebDriver.
Frame (string), frame (int), and frame (WebElement).
13. How do you upload a file?
To upload a file we can use sendKeys() method.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“input field”)).sendKeys (“path of the file which u want to upload”);
14. How do you click on a menu item in a drop down menu?
If that menu has been created by using select tag then we can use the methods selectByValue () or selectByIndex () or selectByVisibleText (). These are the methods of the Select class.
If the menu has not been created by using the select tag then we can simply find the xpath of that element and click on that to select.
15. How do you simulate browser back and forward?
Driver. Navigate ().back ();
Driver. Navigate ().forward ();
16. How do you get the current page URL?
driver.getCurrentUrl ();
17. What is the difference between ‘/’ and ‘//’?
// It is used to search in the entire structure.
/ It is used to identify the immediate child.
18. What is the difference between find Element and find Elements?
Both methods are abstract method of WebDriver interface and used to find the WebElement in a web page.
Find Element () – it used to find the one web element. It return only one WebElement type.
FindElements () it used to find more than one web element. It returns List of WebElement.
19. How do you achieve synchronization in WebDriver?
We can use implicit wait.
Syntax driver.manage ().timeouts ().implicitly Wait (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Here it will wait for 10sec if while execution driver did not find the element in the page immediately. This code will attach with each and every line of the script automatically. It is not required to write every time. Just write it once after opening the browser.
20. Write the code for Reading and Writing to Excel through Selenium?
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream (“path of excel file”);
Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create (fis);
Sheet s = wb.getSheet (“sheetName”);
String value = s.getRow (rowNum).getCell (cellNum).getStringCellValue (); // read data
s.getRow (rowNum).getCell (cellNum).setCellValue (“value to be set”); //write data
FileOutputStream FOS = new FileOutputStream (“path of file”);
wb.write (FOS); //save file

21. How to get typed text from a textbox?
Use get Attribute (“value”) method by passing arg as value.
String typedText = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of box”)).get Attribute (“value”));
22. What are the different exceptions you got when working with WebDriver?
  • ElementNotVisibleException,
  • ElementNotSelectableException,
  • NoAlertPresentException,
  • NoSuchAttributeException,
  • NoSuchWindowException,
  • TimeoutException,
  • WebDriverException
23. What are the languages supported by WebDriver?
Python, Ruby, C# and Java are all supported directly by the development team. There are also WebDriver implementations for PHP and Perl.
24. How do you clear the contents of a textbox in selenium?
Use clear () method.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of box”)).clear ();
25. What is a Framework?
A framework is set of automation guidelines which help in
Maintaining consistency of Testing, Improves test structuring, Minimum usage of code, Less Maintenance of code, Improve reusability, Non Technical testers can be involved in code, Training period of using the tool can be reduced, Involves Data wherever appropriate.
There are five types of framework used in software automation testing:
  • Data Driven Automation Framework
  • Method Driven Automation Framework
  • Modular Automation Framework
  • Keyword Driven Automation Framework
  • Hybrid Automation Framework, it’s basically combination of different frameworks. (1+2+3).
26. What are the prerequisites to run selenium WebDriver?
JDK, Eclipse, WebDriver (selenium standalone jar file), browser, application to be tested.
27. What are the advantages of selenium WebDriver?
a) It supports with most of the browsers like Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc.
b) It supports with most of the language like Java, Python, Ruby, C# etc.
b) Doesn’t require to start server before executing the test script.
c) It has actual core API which has binding in a range of languages.
d) It supports of moving mouse cursors.
e) It supports to test iphone/Android applications.
28. What is WebDriverBackedSelenium?
WebDriverBackedSelenium is a kind of class name where we can create an object for it as below:
Selenium WebDriver= new WebDriverBackedSelenium (WebDriver object name, “URL path of website”)
The main use of this is when we want to write code using both WebDriver and Selenium RC , we must use above created object to use selenium commands.
29. How to invoke an application in WebDriver?
driver. get (“url”); or driver. Navigate ().to (“url”);
30. What is Selenium Grid?
Selenium Grid allows you to run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines, different browsers and operating systems. Essentially, Selenium Grid support distributed test execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.
31. How to get the number of frames on a page?
List < WebElement> frames List = driver.findElements (By.xpath (“//iframe”));
int numOfFrames = frameList.size ();
32. How do you simulate scroll down action?
JavaScript Executor jsx = (JavaScript Executor) driver;
jsx.executeScript (“window.scrollBy (0, 4500)”, “”); //scroll down, value 4500 you can change as per your req
jsx.executeScript (“window.scrollBy (450,0)”, “”); //scroll up
public class Scroll Down {
public static void main (String[] args) throws Interrupted Exception {
WebDriver driver = new Firefox Driver ();
driver.manage ().timeouts ().implicitly Wait (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
33. What is the command line we have to write inside a .bat file to execute a selenium project when we are using TestNG?
Java cp bin; jars/* org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
34. Which is the package which is to be imported while working with WebDriver?
35. How to check if an element is visible on the web page?
Use is Displayed() method.The return type of the method is Boolean.So if it return true then element is visible else not visible.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of element”)).is Displayed ();
36. How to check if a button is enabled on the page?
Use is Enabled () method. The return type of the method is Boolean. So if it return true then button is enabled else not enabled.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of button”)).is Enabled ();
37. How to check if a text is highlighted on the page ?
To identify weather color for a field is different or not,
String color = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“//a [text () =’Shop’]”)).getCssValue (“color”);
String backcolor = driver.findElement (By.xpath (“//a [text () =’Shop’]”)).getCssValue (“backgroundcolor”);
System.out.println (color);
System.out.println (backcolor);
Here if both color and back color different then that me that element is in different color.
38. How to check the checkbox or radio button is selected?
Use isSelected () method to identify. The return type of the method is Boolean. So if it return true then button is selected else not enabled.
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of button”)).isSelected ();
39. How to get the title of the page?
Use getTitle () method.
Syntax: driver.getTitle ();
40. How does u get the width of the textbox?
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of textbox”)).getSize().getWidth ();
driver.findElement (By.xpath (“xpath of textbox”)).getSize().getHeight();
41. How do u get the attribute of the web element?
driver.getElement (By.tagName (“img”)).getAttribute(“src”) will give you the src attribute of this tag. Similarly, you can get the values of attributes such as title, alt etc.
Similarly you can get CSS properties of any tag by using getCssValue (“some property name”).
42. How to check whether a text is underlined or not?
Identify by getCssValue (“borderbottom”) or sometime getCssValue (“text decoration”) method if the CssValue is ‘underline’ for that WebElement or not.
ex : This is for when moving cursor over element that is going to be underlined or not
public class UnderLine {
public static void main (String [] args) {
WebDriver driver = new Firefox Driver();
driver.manage ().timeouts ().implicitly Wait (10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.get (““);
String cssValue= driver.findElement (By.xpath (“//a[text()=’Hindi’]”)).getCssValue(“textdecoration”);
System.out.println (“value”+cssValue);
Actions act = new Actions(driver);
act.moveToElement (driver.findElement (By.xpath (“//a[text()=’Hindi’]”))).perform();
String cssValue1= driver.findElement (By.xpath (“//a[text()=’Hindi’]”)).getCssValue(“textdecoration”);
System.out.println (“value over”+cssValue1);
driver.close ();
43. How to change the URL on a webpage using selenium web driver ?
driver. get (“url1”);
driver. get (“url2”);
44. How to hover the mouse on an element?
Actions act = new Actions (driver);
act.moveToElement (WebElement); //WebElement on which you want to move cursor
45. What is the use of get Options () method?
get Options () is used to get the selected option from the dropdown list.
46. What is the use of deselect All () method?
It is used to deselect all the options which have been selected from the dropdown list.
47. Is WebElement an interface or a class?
WebDriver is an Interface.
48. Firefox Driver is class or an interface and from where is it inherited ?
Firefox Driver is a class. It implements all the methods of WebDriver interface.
49. What is the difference b/w close () and quit ()?
close () – it will close the browser where the control is.
quit () – it will close all the browsers opened by WebDriver.
50. Can Selenium handle windows based pop up?
Selenium is an automation testing tool which supports only web application testing. Therefore, windows pop up cannot be handled using Selenium.

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