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Top 10 Websites every Software Tester must Bookmark in 2018

For all the software testers, test automation experts and QA enthusiasts out there, we have compiled a list of 10 websites that you should bookmark in 2017.
No matter, whether you want to solve a bug, get latest updates, find answers to the interview questions or anything else, this list of 10 websites will cover everything about QA and software testing.
Software Testing Help is a popular website focusing on Software Testing and Quality Assurance topics. With 1 million+ monthly views, the website caters to a wide range of testing professionals who are looking updates related to software testing tutorials, methodologies, manual testing, automation testing, testing tools, interview questions, web testing, testing templates, quality assurance, testing certifications, books, career guidance, job openings, latest testing trends, news, and much more.
Software Test Professionals (STP) is an online community providing software testing information, insights, and networking opportunities to 50,000 professionals globally. The website offers valuable resources such as white papers, news, articles, conferences, events, focused on the need for software testers to expand their knowledge and keep a check on the latest happening in the software testing industry.
Ministry of Testing is a platform headed by Rosie Sherry. It propagates the message ‘co-creating smart testers’ with a focus on sharing updates, events and useful insights for the testing community as a whole. The website also lists jobs and news related to software testing while it also features a wide directory, showcasing testing tools, test service providers, test management tools, etc.
uTest is a world-wide professional network consisting of 200,000+ testers. It helps them elevate their skills and knowledge with relevant resources, articles, courses and forums to enhance their career in software testing industry. The website also lets you find testing projects, participate in event rate tools and chat with fellow users and peers about tech, career, and trends.
Testing Excellence is dedicated to providing software testing tutorials and testing articles. It also provides users with information about testing tools, conferences, news as well as other software testing resources. You can bookmark this website simply to follow the software testing trends and updates or to get access to common questions for interviews as well as ISTQB examination.
This is an online platform that aims to bring test professionals together to discuss, consult and exchange ideas with a variety of events such as the EuroSTAR Software Testing Conference. Bookmark this website to get quality resources from members and a recognized industry thought-leaders through topical, relevant forum conversations; software testing events and local Meetups as well as special interest groups (SIGs) in the promotion of software testing.
TechTarget is an online community for professionals who are interested in building high-quality software or are involved in software testing and quality assurance (QA), application performance management (APM) or related topics. Bookmarking this website will help you get in-depth coverage on ensuring application quality using different development methodologies, like DevOps and Agile development. You can also get access to unlimited white papers and Webcasts related to newest trends, problems, and solutions in software quality.
Guru99 is the most trusted source of knowledge and tutorials for software testing and related topics. The website has a huge list of learning resources and library across topics like test management, performance testing, enterprise testing, mobile testing, security testing and more. Bookmark this website if you are interested in keeping yourself up-to-date with latest learning and training in the software testing domain.
You might want to bookmark if you are looking for technical content related to software testing and QA. With over 1 Million members, Dzone is one of the largest communities, providing latest insights into software testing, test automation, test management, devops, and more. You can also share articles, announcements and contribute as an MVB (Most Valuable Blogger) Program to gain exposure to millions of technology and QA practitioners all over the world.
Best Selenium Training Tutorials is one of the largest-circulated software testing tutorial series that provides complete understanding and updates into the software testing world. The website provides regular updates and voice to the software testing professionals to help them continue learning and meet tomorrow’s challenges with valuable insights and also freshers who are all beginners for Selenium published by this Selenium Tutorials on a weekly basis. SeleniumFAQs listed in their site is a trend among Software Testers. 
